Statement of Commitment
Country Kids Learning Centre (CKLC) is committed to complying with the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service under the Accessibility for Manitobans Act.
In establishing the following policies, CKLC has taken steps to identify and overcome existing client barriers. Alternatively, if the barrier cannot be removed, alternate, cost-free methods of accessing the goods or services have been developed.
Our “customers” or “clients” are the children we serve, as well as their caregivers and, during special events, their community supporters.
A copy of our Accessible Employment policies and practices are available on request and in accessible formats.
September 2018
March 2021
This policy does not affect program criteria.
1. Communication
CKLC will communicate with our clients in a way that takes into account the nature of any communication barrier.
If an individual has trouble communicating with staff, staff will ask how they can help; for instance by finding a quiet space or using pen and paper.
Printed information will use easy to read fonts and color contrast (black on white)
Registrations forms will be available in alternate formats, for instance 14 font versus 10, in print as well as electronically. Registration forms will be received on-line and by mail or in person.
Clear signage will direct customers to the dare care.
2. Assistive Devices
CKLC welcomes the use of assistive devices used by the children in our care or their caregivers. Care will be taken to create space for devices, such as walkers, and to not touch or remove these without permission of their owners. Staff will receive related training, including regarding any assistive devices available on site (i.e. how to enlarge print on the computer used by the daycare.
3. Support Persons
CKLC welcomes support persons, there to assist a child in becoming familiar with the daycare. The nature and duration of the support must be discussed in advance with the Director, including to determine the role of staff and goals for independence, if applicable. Staff will receive related training.
4. Service Animals
CKLC is committed to meeting the requirements of The Human Rights Code (Manitoba) by allowing service animals, trained to meet the needs of persons with disabilities, to accompany our children and their caregivers wherever the public is allowed. The service animal must be controlled at all times.
The daycare will ask registrants to identify both the need for service animals and any allergies to animals at time of registration to meet potentially confliction requirements of the children. Staff will receive related training.
5. Maintain Barrier-Free Access
CKLC will maintain barrier free access to our services by ensuring that aspects of our facility that can facilitate access are maintained as intended. This includes maintain the entrance free of snow and ice and removing clutter from hallways.
6. Notice of Temporary Disruption
In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption of services or facilities affecting customers disabled by barriers, CKLC will promptly, post notices at the entrance and on the website. This includes notice when the space is affected by the unexpected use of odorous chemicals elsewhere in the building.
7. Feedback Process
CKLC will include a Feedback process that welcomes suggestions on how to better serve our clients, including to enhance accessibility.
8. Training
CKLC will ensure that all staff are trained about how to provide accessible customer service in a daycare. Topics will include a overview of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act and related impact of The Human Rights Code (Manitoba), as well as how to interact with persons with disabilities.
This policy is public and available in alternate format on request.